Find all of our most frequently asked questions on this page. This is an ever growing list and is updated regularly.
Chromebook Warranty Information
If your school has received it's allocation of the Dell 3189 Chromebooks as part of the new roll-out then you can contact Dell directly using the information below or you can visit http://www.digilearnhighland.co.uk and report an issue.
Dell offer direct support to establish what the issue is. If there is a hardware issue the customer can call the following number for help troubleshooting. A troubleshooting process has to be followed before any parts or replacement can be recommended.
Call: 0800-028-2660
8 am – 6 pm Monday to Friday.
The user will need the Dell Service Tag which can be found on the bottom of the Chromebook.
Each Dell device has a 3 year onsite warranty.
If you have another Chromebook that was purchased via XMA you can email the following address regarding warranty issues: scotlandwarranty@xma.co.uk
Problem: Chromebook is blocked by BT Parental Controls
The Chromebook is based on a cloud service, and uses Google Drive (their file sharing platform) to manage a lot of the services such as Google Docs, Sheets etc on the Chromebook itself. Saving documents is also shared to the Google Cloud.
Following further investigation we have identified that the File Sharing option in BT’s Parental Controls WILL prevent a Chromebook from accessing Google services if selected to be blocked.
Therefore, for the Chromebook to operate properly the FILE SHARING option will need to be unticked. It can take up to four hours for the change to take place on BT’s platform.
All other filtering options can remain the same, and these will complement our own filtering service RM Buzz.
In addition, if you use a BT Home Hub or BT Smart Hub for your broadband router, by default these have an option called BT Smart Setup activated. This is known also to affect the Chromebook connecting to The Highland Council platform. For security reasons our filtering service will block access if this is activated on your Home or Smart Hub router – this is commonly known as a captive portal.
You can turn this off without any impact on your broadband services by following the instructions on this link:
You can then use the following instructions to connect devices to your BT Home or Smart Hubs:
Problem: I can’t make a second screen connection work
Solution: Trying to get a second screen presentation going but running into problems? Chromebooks are generally friendly toward monitor connections – as long as you are connecting the right cable to the right ports (HDMI, DVI, VGA, or DisplayPort, depending on your Chrome device), the connection should be largely automatic.
You can check for settings problems or other issues by heading over to the status area and looking for the external display section, which typically shows a notification about the connection and an icon of two windows. Click on this and choose Manage Displays. This will give you a number of options to rotate your image, center the image, check the TV alignment, and send the image to multiple screens. See if any of these can help solve your problem.
Problem: Chrome keeps shutting itself down and restarting on its own
Solution: This is a serious error that indicates a problem with the operating system. It may be accompanied by an ominous “Chrome OS is missing or damaged” message. If this happens, you are going to need to fully recover your Chromebook, which means a bit of work. A recovery attempts to save as much data from your current OS as possible. You will need your Chromebook, a separate computer with access to the Chrome browsers, and a portable SD or USB drive for saving data.
With these tools ready, go download the Chromebook Recovery Utility on your separate, functioning computer. This extension will walk you through the process. Launch it and it will prompt you to create a recovery media that you can use to temporarily transfer data and settings. Follow the instructions carefully and use your storage device to move settings to the Recovery Utility and fully reset your Chromebook while keeping as much of you data safe as possible.
Problem: Instead of loading web pages, I get weird error messages
Solution: If Chrome cannot properly load a web page, it will give you an odd “aw snap!” error that means the web page tried to load but crashed instead. If this is happening all the time, then something is wrong with your operating system or your settings. One of the easiest and hopefully effective solutions is to start closing browser tabs and windows. If closing a few tabs finally allows you to open a new one, then you have reached beyond your Chromebook’s RAM limits and need to slow down.
Restart your Chromebook. Don’t worry, this doesn’t wipe settings like a reset. The easiest way is to simply to go to your status area, and choose the Power button (you can do this manually too if necessary). Then use the physical power button to turn your machine back on.
Once again, we must visit the problem of failing extensions, which may just not be cooperating properly with the web pages you are trying to visit. Head over to the main menu (with several horizontal lines), select More Tools, and go to Extensions. Uncheck all your extensions and see if this solves the problem. If it does, enable extensions again one at a time to find out where the troublemakers are, and delete them.
Problem: I tried updating Chrome OS, but got error messages afterward
Solution: Start by checking your Internet connection. Ideally, you will have a strong Wi-Fi connection.
Restart your Chromebook. Simply press the power button to shut down (after making sure all your current work is finished), and then when the Chromebook is fully shut down, press the power button again to restart. This helps deal with some of the update errors.
Problem: I’m trying to download an important update, but it won’t work
Solution: If you have tried to download the same update several times and it refuses to even start, then you need to try rebooting your Chromebook. The easiest way to do this is to simply restart by turning your Chromebook off with the power button and then turning it back on again.
If this doesn’t solve the problem, then you need to reset your Chromebook. This will wipe away your settings and hard drive, so make sure everything is saved to the cloud first. When you are ready, head over to your status area to access the Settings From here, choose Advanced Settings, and look for the section called Powerwash. Here, choose Reset, then choose Restart and enter your Google Account information. Note that you should only do this with a personal Chromebook, not a work or school version.
Problem: A child from my school is leaving to join a school that doesn't yet have Chromebooks, what do I do?
Solution: As the child is joining a school without their allocation of Chromebooks yet, this child must leave the device at school, they cannot take the device with them.
Problem: A child from my school is leaving to join a school that also has their allocation of Chromebooks, what do I do?
Solution: The child may take their Chromebook with them to their new school. Digital Leaders at both schools will just need to update their allocation register. Ensuring the device service Tag is removed from the previous school register. Details must then be added to the new school register. When all schools have received their Chromebooks, this method will be used for pupil transfer between all Highland schools.
Problem: How can I get an export of pupil accounts?
Solution: Children leaving school in S4/5/6 can export the material from their accounts using the service google takeouts. Children will have a three month window to transfer their material, after this period their accounts will be removed permanently. It is up to the children leaving school to export their work themselves. https://takeout.google.com/settings/takeout?pli=1
Problem: What is the policy regarding Chromebook cases?
Solution: There is no requirement from the Council for schools or children to supply cases. Schools have a number of options regarding cases; schools can use school funds to purchase cases for Chromebooks, can generate finances through fundraising or ask parents to contribute towards cases. These are all just suggestions. Schools have sent Chromebooks home without cases and encouraged parents to purchase one if they felt necessary.
Problem: When will windows machines arrive? Who gets them?
Solution: Currently windows machines are anticipated to arrive approximately three months after the delivery of Chromebooks. This was stated at the beginning of the project but there have been a number of issues regarding this refresh and the windows devices are currently running behind schedule. It is unclear when these devices will arrive, school will be informed of their deployment date when this is confirmed. Teachers will each receive a windows device of their own, this is to give teachers the ability to work on both G Suite apps and other programmes, such as Microsoft.
Problem: Where can I reset a password?
Solution: You can reset your password through the Chrome helpdesk. This can either be found in the Highland bookmarks section of your browser or through the digilearn website. http://www.digilearnhighland.co.uk/
Problem: Who do I ask for an app to be installed?
Solution: Apps can be requested through the Chrome helpdesk. The make a request tile will prompt you to give a short description of why you want this app made available. This app will then be checked by the Digital Team and pushed through to all Highland teachers on the play store.
Problem: Who do I contact if there is a network problem?
Solution: If your school is experiencing network problems, a call should be logged to Wipro. If you have recently received Chromebooks or Tabs and are experiencing network issues with the new devices, you can email sebastian.odell@highlandschools.net as there could be a simple solution to getting these devices added to the network.
Do Nurseries get Chromebooks?
Solution: Nurseries do not receive Chromebooks from the council allocation in the project. Schools fortunate enough to have iPads or tablets already in schools have been moving these devices down to Nursery to utilise these devices and enhance digital skills in the Nursery. Another option is to create Nursery buddies and allow upper Primary school children to upskill children in the Nursery.
Problem: Issues with charging a Chromebook?
PLEASE NOTE: It is very important that Chromebooks are regularly charged. If you ensure that CBs are charged regularly you may prevent any possible future battery issues.
If your Chromebook does not power on try charging the battery.
Connect your CB to the charger adapter and plug into a socket.
Wait 30 seconds for the power light to come on.
Press your power on button.
If the CB does not turn on, disconnect the charger, wait 5 minutes then plug the charger back in again.
Leave the CB to charge for at least 30 minutes before use.
It is good policy to not use the CB whilst it is charging where the battery has been extensively run down.