Pupils moving/leaving school

When pupils move school or leave, depending on the circumstances, different processes have to be following regarding Chromebooks.

Scenario 1: Moving from one Primary School to another within Highland

The Chromebook should be taken by the pupil from one school to the other. The school where the pupil is departing from is required to report this to chromebook.repair@highland.gov.uk so that the details can be updated.

Scenario 2: Moving from one Secondary School to another within Highland

The Chromebook should be taken by the pupil from one school to the other. The school where the pupil is departing from is required to report this to chromebook.repair@highland.gov.uk so that the details can be updated.

Pupils leaving school to move outwith Highland are required to return the Chromebook to the school. Pupils leaving secondary school are required to return the Chromebook to the school so that the device can be provided to the new S1 intake.