Digital Citizenship

For online safety support - please also use the Highland Online Safety Centre

A generic, E-safety Policy template has been created to assist schools in working towards completing the 360 Audit Tool. This policy is not designed to be a Highland 'blue-print' which requires to be used 'as is' but more that it can be adapted and modified to suit each individual school's circumstances and local needs.

As always, any feedback is most welcome.

Click here for the E-safety policy

360 Audit tool

The 360 Audit is a key part of the process towards Digital Citizenship. The Audit tool is Scottish Government endorsed and is used by thousands of schools across UK. South West Grid for Learning, who created this tool, have adapted the tool and made a Scottish version which provides a more Scottish focus in certain areas, as well as linking to CfE. The idea is that once this audit has been carried out and has been contributed to by as many different ‘partners’, it can then simply be updated as and when, an aspect has been further developed.

From the audit, an action plan is generated which sets out clearly where any ‘gaps’ may exist and allow schools to then move towards deciding how best to ‘plug’ these gaps.

To register for the tool, you will need your school's SEED number to create an account and then you can begin working through each of the 25 'aspects' to rate your practice on a scale of 1 to 5.

Click here for the login page 360 SAFE SCOTLAND

For more info, email

Be Internet Awesome

Google have recently launched a Digital Citizenship/Internet Safety curriculum. ​The Be Internet Awesome site features a game called Interland. The game is set in a virtual world that students navigate by correctly answering questions about Internet safety.

Be Internet Awesome is based on five key concepts for kids:

  • Share with care.

  • Don't fall for fake.

  • Secure your secrets.

  • It's cool to be kind.

  • When in doubt, talk it out.

Teachers can find more information about the curriculum here.

There is a 48 page document containing lesson plans on each concept in the Be Internet Awesome curriculum that teachers can download for free. Other resources include...

  • Be Internet Awesome Lesson Poster

  • Interland Certificate of Awesomeness and Badges

  • Internaut Papercraft Activity Template